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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

in other news

In other news . . . 8/11-8/17/24

Other news and events that didn't quite count as local news in the Konkel Round up!
no ccs services for homeless

Homeless? No Dane County services for you!

Ugh.  Well, some services yes, some no.  Finally, the CCS program is going to do a one-year trial and will not require a "place of fixed habitation" to be able to get case management and substance abuse services.

Electricians Endorse Parisi

IBEW also endorses pre-primary.

System Fail! An Update

If you have been following the blogs about the person with the .6 BAC and lack of services for the person - I have more bad news. I only got 3.5 - 4 hours of sleep last night . . .

Listen to the Children.

Our children, Madison children, experiencing homelessness. After you listen, give.

Dane County Jail Consultants to get 197% Increase in Contracts

Madison, WI - $11M increase.  Extended project timeline, revisions to plans, different sub-consultants added to the cost.  A parting gift from 11 (or more?) outgoing supervisors.
Round Up

Weekend & Monday Round Up (10/1/19) & Mo’ Meetings

Skipped yesterday, trying to catch up - here's what I have.

Week of 9/28/20

Dylan Brogan rants about reducing the size of the council!  How about 100 alders? and more . . . go Dylan go!

Expect New Voting Procedures Today

Bring your ID . . . a photo ID.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Lake Levels Committee has draft recommendations, annual employee handbook reviews, Lynn Green (Human Service Director) retiring, finally choosing the vendor for the mental health gaps study, setting dates of elections to fill seats vacated by Supervisors Kolar Kolar, Jeff Pertl and Jenni Dye and more.

Dane County Board Recap

A little discussion on if county board chairs should get paid $100 more a month, some technical corrections and a spat about what gets referred to committees.  Lots of absences!
County week ahead

County Week Ahead

County Budget scheduled for three nights, but it takes about an hour.  Jail presentation at Public Works and Transportation, Journey Mental Health Update at Health and Human Needs, fines for illegal stormwater discharge and more.