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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 1/11/21

Click on the agendas to find out how to join the virtual meetings.  Here's the summary of what they will be discussing.

Florida Gets It . . .

Ahem . . . why doesn't Dane County and Madison?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/24/20

No lull this August, a full round of meetings with full agendas.

TGIF Round Up

Another week over . . . and so much left to do . . . . lots going on last night, look for blogs over the weekend as I catch up . . . meanwhile, here's what the news covered, and a little more . . .
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 4/13/20

Tallying the election results and Office of Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board meeting.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead – 3/16/20 (Updated)

3 - 5 of the 10 meetings cancelled.  County Board and Executive Committee meetings still scheduled.

Overture Round Up

Most of the meetings on the topic tend to be in closed session, and its a little hard to tell what is going on . . . but here's what I can tell you . . . which is a quick way to get caught up on all the issues.

SCFL on Overture

South Central Federation of Labor has a thing or two to say . . .

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.
round up

Wed – Sun Round Up 6/24 – 28

Rounds ups of round ups and info you might be interested in.

Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

Tenant Resource Center Still Rocks At 30!

Yeah, I was 12 when the Tenant Resource Center got started . . . and 1 when the Madison Tenant Union got started . . . but I"ve been volunteering or working for TRC for 19 of the 30 years! Join us in celebrating tonight . . . and tomorrow!