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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Board of Estimates Recap

Why we do so many reclasses, a new Finance Director and Overture employee payouts for sick leave . . . with bk comments.

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

I had this plan . . .

It's really hard to edit at work when there are all kinds of interruptions and lost trains of thought, so I thought I'd edit at home and blog at work . . .

County Board Budget Amendments – Personnel and Finance Recap

Part one today, the rest on Wednesday. These were all capital budget amendments.

County Week Ahead

Also fewer meetings due to fifth Tuesday, Wednesday (no meetings) and Thursday (no meetings)

Bizarro World: System FAIL! Part IV INSANITY!

The continuing saga, just when you think it can't get any worse, hospital refuses to let person with .49 BAC be admitted, wants us to take this person home, when we don't, they call the police and we are asked to leave because it is now a "police investigation" and because we were arguing with the doctor - and asked to speak to his supervisor, twice, the supervisor never appeared. I kid you not. I thought it couldn't get any weirder.

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

Bait and switch

They moved from trespassing ordinances and guards to banning people from the city-county building for violating rules - including having a heater in your office or skateboarding or not wearing shoes or engaging in political or campaign activity. I'm really confused.

Monkeys, War, Pot and Press for the County Board

Long meeting, most of it monkey testimony. But the most interesting issue was the one that you couldn't tell what it was on the agenda. How does the County Board get the word out about what it is doing? A relatively short recap of the meeting.

State Journal Blows It!

What? Try again!

Railroad Tracks Revelations

Dan Melton reports on a walk along the tracks with officials in preparation for high speed rail . . . they seemed to learn...

Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!

Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .