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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/8/20

10 meetings, 2 have missing agendas.  County Board budget hearings start this week.

MLK Weekend Round Up

Short week, lots to do . . . City Council meeting, County Board meeting, Mayoral and County Executive debates . . . among other things.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part II

I told you this was long, be patient. In this post, we have people calling the police when people are singing or dropping the F-bomb! Imagine if we called the police every time someone got in an argument in the city-county building or dropped the F-bomb!

Familiar Faces?

A.k.a. "frequent flyers"  . . . people with mental illness and substance abuse issues that are in and out of jail on a regular basis.  (335 people with more than 10 stays in 3 years)  What does the Criminal Justice Council think should be done?
engage dane

Engage Dane: #irony

More illegal meetings? Some county board members, not a committee with open meetings, but a group appointed by Chair Sharon Corrigan came up with a report on how to increase public engagement, without engaging the public.  Or the rest of the county board.  Who even knows about the report?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 2/3/20

County Board meeting Thursday, Redistricting, AirBnB ordinance at Public Health, presentation on Novel Coronavirus and more.

One Year Stronger & Remembering

Here's my video from last year on this day and the video from the Wisconsin Day Rally on Saturday.

An Apology and Some Assistance!

Police Chief Noble Wary apologizes to the homeless people who had their things thrown out by the city, says they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. County Executive Moe Parisi and Mayor Paul Soglin allow Occupy to stay and are sending staff to help them find housing.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's a slice of recent news . . .

MLK Day at Grace Episocal Church

Thanks to Grace Episcopal Church for opening their doors, Karen Andro from First United Methodist Church for coordinating volunteers and Bethel Lutheran Church for helping staff the day. Z! (and board members) from Shine was there most of the day as well.