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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale Time!

This Saturday! Just in time for Mother's Day!

Tenant Resource Center Housing Law Seminars

Coming to an area near you!

Occupy: Not As Soglin Says

I can't believe how irresponsible Soglin is being in talking about the Occupy site. I wish he had visited it to see for himself and taken the time to meet some of the people staying there and find out about who they are, so he'd know how offensive his statements are

Occupy: Should They Stay or Should they Go Now?

Police are telling them one thing, the court and the city attorney said another . . .

Whoa, What Just Happened?

Occupy. Summons, Complaint, Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Brief in Support filed, parties served (they deny it), hearing held, no order issued but an agreement reached that people can stay past noon on Monday (til 4:00), structures (hoophouses) can stay til Wedensday at noon no matter what and after a hearing on Monday at 4:00 they may be able to stay even longer!

County Board Committee Appointments!

Who will be primarily working on which issues . . .

Occupy Madison Events – The Final Countdown?

Party Saturday, clean up this weekend, rally and march Monday and . . . stay tuned.

Seeking Protest Videos, Photos, Etc for Archives

Honestly, I can't believe that this project is all coming together, but its really cool. Thanks to the many, many volunteers for the time and talents and materials!

County Board Will Address Occupy/Homelessness Too!

Thanking Occupy and creating the same committee the city did . . . despite council concerns that they wouldn't. They can't really fix what the council did, since they don't control the land that Occupy is on, but they're doing what they can.

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

Free 30 days in Shelter for Single Men

So, many people are missing the point of the Occupy tent city and what it provides to the homeless.

Here’s an Stupid Wrinkle for UW Student Tenants

Wow. Thank you Scott Walker. (yes, that's sarcasm) This sounds like it might even lead to deportation of international students?