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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up, Tuesday, 11/19/19

A bit overdue, but here's what I've got!

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

Parisi Continues Putting His Staff Together

Dane County Executive-Elect Parisi Names New Communications Director/Executive Assistant Joshua Wescott is his Chief of Staff, his campaign manager is now his media person. Casey Slaughter...

An Apology and Some Assistance!

Police Chief Noble Wary apologizes to the homeless people who had their things thrown out by the city, says they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. County Executive Moe Parisi and Mayor Paul Soglin allow Occupy to stay and are sending staff to help them find housing.

Zach Brandon is a WSJ Editorial Board Democrat

You know, the ones that endorsed Walker and Bush . . .

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

Surveillance Cameras to protect the Privacy Rights of the Public?

New rules for the use of surveillance cameras by city departments.
in other news

In other news . . . 8/11-8/17/24

Other news and events that didn't quite count as local news in the Konkel Round up!

Video: F-35s, PFAS, Truax and You – A Forum

In case you didn't brave the snowy weather on Sunday and missed the forum, here's the video for you and shorter clips if you want to skip around!

Support Homeless Issues Committee at County Board Tonight

More wrangling over the lack of a comprehensive day center for this winter . . . how should we spend the $60,000.

Week of 9/14/20

The nearly didn't happen week ahead with WORT . . . thank you Jonah!