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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Did you hear me rejoicing!

After working closely with and getting to know my new friends, this service is greatly needed for a few of them!

12 days and counting . . . UPDATED

So, a conservative (?!) on the county board is the one pushing to let the people stay at Token Creek.

Q&A on the Federal Government Shut Down

By the Public Interest Law Section of the Wisconsin Bar . . . helpful and cute.

Sleepy Thursday Morning Round Up

Overslept . . . but here's what I got!

Green Party Looking for True Progressive Candidate to Challenge Walker

You can call it being a spoiler if you want, but so far, the choices to challenge Walker are uninspiring.

Message to Overture Employees

Oh . . . and . . . the council. From: Carto, Thomas Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:34 AM To: ALL ALDERS Subject: FW: Message to Staff To...

Why is a Tent in the Cold Better than the Shelter?

During some down time between meetings yesterday, I asked folks to tell me what they didn't like about staying in shelter and why a tent in the cold is better. Here is what they had to say . . .

Florida Gets It . . .

Ahem . . . why doesn't Dane County and Madison?

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?


Random Round Up

Slightly unorganized and random . . . but of interest.

More on Overture . . .

Council Workgroup still meeting, but not ready to meet with Overture parties yet . . . Thuy Pham-Remmele's Boogey Man and more.

More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here's another contradicting message from the top.