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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Also short, no meetings on Thursday.

Things Going On Around Town

A whole bunch more . . .

Approvals Needed for Rhythm and Booms

Are the Alders left almost entirely out of that process?

Better late than never?

A little after 11:00 tonight we were finally notified of the county's plan to deal with the holidays and the next few very cold and snowy days - and keeping homeless people from freezing to death or at least getting hypothermia or losing some toes to frostbite. Not much detail and I have NO idea how people are supposed to find out about the latest last minute plan that has been thrown together.

Dane County Turns 175 in 2011

A day late, but interesting none-the-less.

Blaska’s Baffoonery

From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.

Linda Ketcham: People’s Affordable Housing Vision Comments

The rest of the round up on our press conference, the vision and the signatures are here. Along with the other great speakers on video. But I wanted people to see these comments from Linda Ketcham, from Madison Urban Ministry, which she graciously passed along to me. Enjoy! Enrage! Engage!

Overture Update!

Ok, its not that exciting. Transitioning . . .

Teamsters Endorse Wineke

Here's another one . . .


The on thing that drives me the craziest about politics is the lies. Check out the lies about Kloppenberg.

City/County Consider their Protest Sign Policy

Who knew the City-County Liaison committee could be so interesting, and man, did this meeting make me miss Ben Masel!

Urban League’s Closed Meeting

Yeah, I wasn't allowed to go, because I'm a blogger. A few folks who have similar community media roles, but also are heavily involved in the community were asked to leave. Leaves me a little suspicious . . . and curious. I'm not buying it that you can't have this type of conversation with media present.