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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here's another contradicting message from the top.

CCB (Salt, ‘cides, tape, bike racks) and City-County Consolidations

This is a new blogging format for me. I'm attempting to do less verbatim, yet capturing the meetings for those interested and more analysis and comment.

Another County Board Showdown Coming Tonight?

Chairman Urges Board to Approve Infrastructure Appropriation $7.85 Million Needed to Fund Basic Operations Ahead of Annual Borrowing; Spending Already Approved in Capital Budget

Wineke Faux Pas

When running for County Executive in Dane County . . .

What’s to be Done About the High Lake Levels?

A new ordinance introduced to help control the impacts when the water levels are high.

Tiny Round Up

There's just not much out there today to round up . . . and so much to try to cover tonight!

How should Dane County Grow?

County Board Chair Scott McDonell shares his thoughts . . . two year moratorium on sprawl.

Clean Sweep is Back!

Dispose of your chemically items correctly, please!

Free 30 days in Shelter for Single Men

So, many people are missing the point of the Occupy tent city and what it provides to the homeless.

Redistricting Updates

Committee meets tonight, the council meets tomorrow and community meetings coming up. If you care about who your next alder might be, and who else might be in your district, now is the time to pay attention.

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

Overture Version 4 Discussion (Final)

Ok, another "live blog" . .. . to the best of my ability.