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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Evil Returns . . .

September 13th . . . the Legislature goes back into session. There are two rallies planned for that evening. We're starting to hear what's on the agenda, here's a little taste of the treats they have in store for us!

DCB Exec Comm: 3 Important Issues Thursday at 6!

The Executive Committee of the Dane County Board meets at 6:00 p.m. in Room 310 of the City-County Building on July 8, 2010.  Here's the agenda with accompanying resolutions: EX20100708attach.pdf

Steve Arnold: Help Pave Fitchburg Bus Stops

For 53 cents. This was written yesterday, the meeting is tonight.

Enviros Support Parisi

It's a Joe Parisi lovefest! Sorry other candidates, send me your stuff, I'll post it! :)

Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!

Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .

Overture Update!

Ok, its not that exciting. Transitioning . . .

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.

AFSCME will not support Overture Deal

No surprises, since it privatizes employees.

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.

Thursday morning Round Up

This is so much easier when I keep caught up!

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

Buses, RTA and Irony.

So precious.