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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Watch this.

907 homeless kids in our schools. 16 sleeping in their cars.

What a Good Idea!

Transparency in local government! I applaud Melissa Sargent for her proposal!

Where Do You Buy Your Healthy Food?

Hope to see you tonight . . .

I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don't know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

Tenants’ Rights Rollercoaster

I'm sitting in the capital, waiting for them to NOT do something, and to hear what they say about their inaction. Absurd, I know.

Expect New Voting Procedures Today

Bring your ID . . . a photo ID.

Military Advertising on our Buses

This is why I voted against all this advertising - is this worth $10,000? Info I got from very helpful staff! The Wisconsin National Guard is...

County Primary Week Ahead

A few county board primaries this week.

Help with WORT Pledge Drive Coming Up

Phone shifts available for people to answer phones and take pledges! I'm sure they would appreciate the help!

County Thumbs Up, City Thumbs Down

The benches are back! Thanks especially the County Board Supervisors and County Executive Parisi - for doing the right thing. Now, where were the alders? And why were they returned?

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

Dane County Rocks! Free Birth Certificates for Voters!

Nice job folks!