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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

How will Dane County Spend its $95M in CARES Act money

Well, here's the list . . . look what has been flagged as ineligible.

Grinch Award.

To Dane County . . . check out this wonderful work.

Time to Start Circulating Nomination Papers!

Today is the day that candidates for County Board (37 Seats!), School Board (3 seats) and City Council (1 seat) can start circulating nomination papers . . . but shockingly few have filed paperwork to allow them to begin!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/28/20

Meetings on Tuesday and Thursday, and only 5 meetings total including county board and Exec meetings on Thursday.

Edgwater Financing Not Secured?

Hm. Looks like they might not really have the money for the financing secured.

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

County Board Redistricting Meeting Tonight

They are a little more political than the city is on this . . . so its more important to have more input and...

Sometimes, I love the Student Newspapers

They accidentally tell the story just a little too truthfully! :) Yeah, we're not discussing the project with the public openly ....

Supervisors and Alders raise concerns about UW “Smart” Restart (Updated)

Dane County moved "Forward" and cases spiked, now the UW is going to do a "Smart Restart" with likely similar results. Fancy well branded names can't fool science.

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

Dumpster Diving while Black and Homeless Illegal

I heard about this ticket a while ago and yesterday I finally got the police report. I just had to share it. When you and I engage is "dumpster diving" or "Hippie Christmas" in August in Downtown Madison it's hip and cool and we're saving the environment. When you're a homeless black man you are committing a crime, ticketed and required to leave the area. Even after the police confirmed nothing was stolen.

Thurs. – MLK Day Round Up

You'd think 5 days of news would be quite the challenge but besides the Packers and MLK day, there's not really that much.