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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Detox: The Other Side of the Story

Something seems potentially duplicitous about Chief Wray's letter that came out at 3:30 on the same day this memo came out from Lynn Green, perhaps they just crossed in the mail, but the timing is a little goofy.

Drug Test People Who Use Food Pantries?

I hosted A Public Affair on WORT on Monday and that was the question of one of my callers, who said he works in a food pantry. Seriously, it was.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part III

Ok - so that list of police calls in Part II was a little bogus and over-exaggerated, but there were some real issues in there. Yesterday, two gems of emails came out from the Mayor's office. Here's the latest on the Mayor's office campaign to rid themselves of the homeless in the building

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part II

I told you this was long, be patient. In this post, we have people calling the police when people are singing or dropping the F-bomb! Imagine if we called the police every time someone got in an argument in the city-county building or dropped the F-bomb!

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part I

And they are passionate about it - I haven't quite figured out why its so important for them to get the homeless out of the City-County Building, but they are determined. And holy crap, I forgot about the Sargent vs O'Lauglin divergent views of the county. Do we have stockholders we need to watch out for? Or are we a community with a safety net? Or will we build an island for misfit toys to put people on?

County Week Ahead

I'll see if I can make any sense of their agendas . . .

Rally Against Citizen’s United/Occupy the Courts Tonight!

We can't have a real democracy if we can't have fair campaigns with candidates that are not bought by the highest bidder.

Detox Dispute: Chief Wray vs. County Executive

Chief Noble Wray asleep at the wheel last fall when the county board was debating their budget . . .

Another County Board Showdown Coming Tonight?

Chairman Urges Board to Approve Infrastructure Appropriation $7.85 Million Needed to Fund Basic Operations Ahead of Annual Borrowing; Spending Already Approved in Capital Budget

Wednesday Round Up

Nothing about who is running for governor or which websites went black yesterday here, just local stuff that I can find!

Falk Announcing for Governor. Really? (Updated)

I've been listening to Rob rant for the last 20 minutes about what a bad choice this is . . . and of course, I'm not a Dem insider so I don't know what is going on but . . . this is bad for poor people

Tuesday (Everything but the Recall) Round Up

It will be short. Very short.