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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.

Tenant Resource Center Housing Law Seminars

Coming to an area near you!

Gosh the County Can Be Rude!

Is it just me? Or is this lack of responses kinda stunning. How do you resolve a conflict when one party is simply ignoring the other . . .

Who Will Replace Scott McDonell on the County Board?

Special election coming up . . . if interested, its a short timeline to get papers and run a race for the April Elections.

The Right to be Publicly Critical

For nonprofit staff, that right is being denied or at least highly discouraged by the City (and County?).

Last Minute Changes to Edgewater TID Rushed Through Plan Commission

Last night was one of those nights that sucked to try to cover things in city hall. I managed to catch part of Landmarks, part of Plan, part of Landmarks again, park of Plan again and none of Board of Estimates. And, the kicker, my TiVo died so I couldn't compensate. Boo. Anyways, here's what Plan did on the Edgewater TID with bk comments.

Alternate, Alternate Resolution for Overture

And SCFL (South Central Federation of Labor) approves . . . This came out late Wednesday . . . From: Schmidt, Chris Sent: Wednesday, November...

Zach Brandon’s Radical Ideas: Number One

Apparently, we can expect two every month . . .

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?


New Parisi TV Ad

The Dane County Way . . .

Clean Sweep is Back!

Dispose of your chemically items correctly, please!

Parisi Threatens Lawsuit over CARPC’s 21% tax increase

'Dem is fightin' words! He sounds like he means business!