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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.

What’s Going on at the County?

Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!

League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

DATCP Notices Students!

Wow, I've been in the tenant/landlord business a long time and rarely, if ever, have I seen the state agency (DATCP = Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection) that is supposed to be dealing with tenant/landlord problems step up during the August 15th time period. That changed this year.

Progressive Dane, Not Dead Yet.

Not taking over the world either. Just doing what we do. Progressive Dane announces endorsed candidates for 2011 spring elections.

(Rest of the) County Week Ahead

Seems a little light this week . . . 13 meetings - only 10 left (sorry).

County Board Budget Debate Heating Up!

I'm late to the party here, Executive Budget has been out for two weeks - public hearing tomorrow night in front of the entire county board and amendments will be flying through committees soon.  Here's the info you need to know!

Wednesday/Thursday Round Up

Here ya go! Enjoy!

Monday Morning Round Up

Sorry, there was a pause for budget . . . which I still haven't finished blogging, but I will throughout the week . . . which I have off! Yay!

Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn't just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

How to Close the Achievement Gap

There is no doubt that almost every agrees this is an issue for the school district. Just not on how to get there. Tonight we get to hear Dan Nehrad's take on it . . . in Fitchburg, where the buses don't run.

Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It's amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I'm not sure it's the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time?