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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Human Services Still Facing Drastic Cuts

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds. But here's the what still isn't funded . . . the list is extensive and breathtaking.

County Week Ahead

Here's a start on it . . .oops, no, I finished!

Why Does the County Resist the Simplest of Issues

Laundry and showers could be put in the Warming Center with relative ease and low cost. Fire safety issues also need to be addressed. And isn't the county embarrassed about the porta-potty location? I don't understand their bizarre resistance to making people's lives just the slightest little itty bit better. Instead, they do and say the goofiest of things.

Is Today The Day Democracy Dies?

And then they came for democracy . . . Sounds dramatic and traumatic, but today is going to be an ugly day at the capital, perhaps worse than Act 10. While many people are focused on school vouchers, at the exact same time, something that has a much more far reaching effect, on everything, every issue that legislators and even local governments vote on.

County Budget Process

The county has a much more extensive process for the public to participate in, but in many ways, it is much harder as you don't have copies of the amendments they are considering and you can't plan for their schedule if you are interested in something.

County Week Ahead

I just can't blog at work, this should have taken 20 minutes to finish . . . an hour and a half later, no progress. So, it is what it is so far. Will finish tomorrow.

How is this Supposed to Work?

I ask again, can you imagine being homeless in this weather - where temperatures are going to be cold enough that after 10 minutes outside you can get frostbite. A permanent, comprehensive day center is what we need. We desperately need it for the beginning of next week. A van carrying 15 people at a time can't possible help the over 200 single men and women experiencing homelessness - and that doesn't count the families.

Monday Morning Round Up.

Hopefully, I'll be back on track with the daily round ups now. DAVID DRYER'S CONTRACT They tried to push this through at the last minute at...

Tenant Resource Center Extra Hours for Moving Days

It's that time of the year, you've seen the moving trucks and extra garbage on the curbs . . . brace yourselves, here it...

Round Up!

What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.

The Council’s Overture Consultant

On Tuesday, the Council had a long discussion on hiring a consultant to review the AMS model for the Overture. They had previous rejected the same proposal. During the meeting there were doubts about the consultant. Here, we finally hear from the consultant.

Zach Brandon “Radical” Idea #2

Get out the red tax caps and the over-sized pledge forms . . . and say it with me . . . "Zero-based budgeting" . . .