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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

The Ladies Like Joe . . .

Parisi that is. The endorsement wars continue . . .

Wineke on TV

Fightin', he's fightin!

County Board Redistricting Meeting Tonight

They are a little more political than the city is on this . . . so its more important to have more input and...

Random Round Up

Slightly unorganized and random . . . but of interest.

More Bad News for the Poor

You're not surprised, right? Need legal services, you might get through the screening if your problem is bad enough.

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

Want to help the homeless. Raise awareness and do something practical - that could help save a life this winter.

Here’s an Stupid Wrinkle for UW Student Tenants

Wow. Thank you Scott Walker. (yes, that's sarcasm) This sounds like it might even lead to deportation of international students?

Mysterious Meeting tonight

Ok, I'm presenting at it, its for the County Board Supervisors and Alders, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

What the City Council is Talking About Tonight

September 18, 2012 Common Council Meeting Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

County Week Ahead

Unlike the city, this one rarely changes - cuz they're still MAILING items out to some committees - can't wait for their version of Legistar so items can be more accessible on-line!!!


Given the new perspective I have gotten working on the ground with homeless persons in the last few years, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things I am grateful for - because just the smallest things we all take for granted - like being able to change out of wet socks when I step in a puddle and then warm up - have all taken on new meaning. And with the recent Race to Equity report, I've relearned what a privilege it is to be white in this community. So I can't really make that list, but here is one good example of what I am thankful for, for so many reasons.

Midweek Morning Round Up

Two days in a row . . . I hope I'm back on track for daily updates!