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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

No response from Dane County to my open records requests

So, I'm trying to figure out how the Personnel and Finance Committee hears a whole bunch of information about all kinds of budget amendments then goes away and comes back with a tidy package exactly balanced and has no discussion.  Where is that discussion happening?

Overdose Spike Alert Issued in Dane County

It's been going on for a few weeks now, but Public Health just issued this alert.

Equally Light County Week Ahead

County Exec switcheroo . . . Kathleen Falk gets her job back.

Week of 9/14/20

The nearly didn't happen week ahead with WORT . . . thank you Jonah!
Round Up

Weekend Round Up 10/14/19

Friday's was jam packed, this one is a little light.  Lots of items in the news columns tho!

Follow Up on the Video Cameras in the City County Building

So, I got a few answers from county staff. I'm not happy with the answers, but grateful for the quick response.


Sorry - light blogging week - busy with work. SB179 is currently kicking my ass. Nothing but work - tons of blogging...

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.

Congrats to the 30 Newly Elected/Uncontested County Board Supervisors!

Today at 5:00 was the filing deadline and only 7 of 37 seats will have elections this spring. Sad day for democracy . . . but congratulations to our newly elected officials!

Denied: Where did the final county budget package come from?

So, after waiting 64 days for a response I was informed that my open records request was denied.  So I wrote a new one!  I'm determined to find out who makes the final budget approved with little to no discussion or debate.
Round Up

Friday (9/20/19) Round Up

Flooding updates, bus detours, city project updates, BRT meeting, water main flushing and more.

Week of 12/7/20

As it happens, a lot of closed sessions meetings this week. Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel joins WORT's Dylan Brogan to preview local government meetings and agendas.