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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 11/28/22

Only 5 meetings this week and two of them are the same committee!

This Week’s Show on This Side of Town at WYOU

Immigration, the Sheriff and ICE with Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Ramona Natera.It will run from 5:30 - 6:00pm tonight, and again at 6 and 6:30...
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 6/14/21

Still virtual, still chugging along . . .

The “E” Word

Yeah, the issue that just. won't. go. away. City briefs due May 14th, and the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation has a request of the new Mayor.

Here’s an Stupid Wrinkle for UW Student Tenants

Wow. Thank you Scott Walker. (yes, that's sarcasm) This sounds like it might even lead to deportation of international students?

There Just Isn’t Enough Outrage for What Republicans are Doing to Our State

On Friday, when most people weren't paying attention . . . students were the latest victims. Why?

This blows . . .

Keeping track of city and county issues are hard enough. Schools are even harder, and now the state is making it hard too . . . just as they are going back into session and I am getting anxious about new landlords/tenant legislation and worrying it will turn my work world upside down again . . . they tell me this!

Supervisors and Alders raise concerns about UW “Smart” Restart (Updated)

Dane County moved "Forward" and cases spiked, now the UW is going to do a "Smart Restart" with likely similar results. Fancy well branded names can't fool science.

County Week Ahead

Here it is, in all its glory . . . hope you can interpret the alphabet soup without attachments.
covid-19 press conference

Madison and Dane County Sunday Press Conference on COVID-19 (Updated with order)

Today at 2:30 there is a press conference, you can watch it live here.  They will be announcing limiting gatherings to 50 in Dane County, more school closings and more.
Round Up

Round Up! Wednesday, 9/18/19

A little something besides F-35s, and of course, F-35s!  Road closures, parent and student rights, transportation news, sandbags, Law Park planning and more.

12 days and counting . . . UPDATED

So, a conservative (?!) on the county board is the one pushing to let the people stay at Token Creek.