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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

Restrict Conceal Carry = Landlord Discrimination Complaints?

The Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin recently sent out an informational handout for landlords. I was going to pass it along as being useful, but I noted one glaring error.

SB107 Won’t Create Jobs, Just More Work

At the Tenant Resource Center today, we will be watching the State Assembly hearing today while trying to do our other work. We're just waiting for the hundredth shoe to drop, so we can start updating all our written materials

Absolutely Confused by County Board Budget Process

Apparently, its not just me. This year appears to be worse than ever. Trying to follow it, even when talking to various...

Still $XXX in Cuts to Human Services

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds, and more good news for some came from Health and Human Needs, but even if Personnel and Finance pass all the amendments, there are still XXX in cuts to Human Services.

SB107 – Landlords’ Rights Bill

It's likely to pass tomorrow (3rd Reading in the Assembly) and for those of you who lost track of all the evil that is...

(Tenatative) County Board Budget Schedule

I don't know that this exactly makes sense, but here it is . . . 2012 BUDGET – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (REVISED)

More Bad News for the Poor

You're not surprised, right? Need legal services, you might get through the screening if your problem is bad enough.

First Casualty of New Policy

Not enough time to get liquor permit, event cancelled. Bummer, because Tenant Resource Center would have gotten part of the proceeds

Love the Lakes!

We all want to . . . so keep your leaves to yourself! Loving the Lakes is Easy Football, chill in the air, kids back...

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

Immigration as a Moral Issue – Day Two

Slowly catching up on everything, here is day two of this series - Leila Pine and Ramona Natera discuss immigration issues and the laws.