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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

County Week Ahead

I'll see if I can make any sense of their agendas . . .

Tenant Resource Center Rent Party Toninght

Join us tonight for our Rent Party, buy a raffle ticket, enjoy some live music (Electric Spanking), free food, cash bar and help us thank Megin McDonell for her more than 14 years of working at the Tenant Resource Center!

Ch-Ch-Changes to the “Weekly” Schedules

Geez, lots of changes . . .

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

Federal Housing Counseling Money Gone!

Once upon a time (about 7 years ago), the Tenant Resource Center got $60K for housing counseling from the federal government to run a statewide toll-free line. Then it went to $40K, then $25K, then $20K, then $0, then $20K and now back to $0. And now, no chance of getting any money, because the entire program has been zeroed out in the federal budget. Check out what will be lost!

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

County Week Ahead

Also unusual.

Edgewater TIF Expansion “Suboptimal Choices”

There just "wasn't enough time to do it right" so it barely passes with a 3 - 3 tie with the Mayor breaking the tie. The proposal is more messed up than usual. And I think that puts it more in jeopardy than I had imagined. Contains BK comments.

Excellent Reminder/Refresher for All Involved in Local Government

Um, yeah, we don't run like a business, there are open meetings and records laws that are important. So, committee members, committee staff, elected...

Learn about Alternatives for Frautchi/Rowland Vision

The 100 block of State St could be sleek and modern and exclusive, or . . . it could honor our history . . . you can learn more about an alternative vision for the block and why it is important and how we can save the landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.

Parisi Threatens Lawsuit over CARPC’s 21% tax increase

'Dem is fightin' words! He sounds like he means business!