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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

How to Get Boots to a Homeless Person

I have to say, as angry as I can get at most local politicians for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to homelessness, I am 100 times more proud of those ordinary people who find it unacceptable and are doing something about it . . . check out this one little example from yesterday.

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

County Week Ahead

Last week before two weeks of mostly downtime.

Concession in City/County Tax Collection Dispute

It seems like they might have a proposal to solve one tiny portion of the dispute, but we still don't know what tiny percentage of people will take advantage of this, there's still the foreclosure/delinquency issue that is not resolved and the question of if all the costs for new software, reprogramming and other staff headaches are going to be worth it.

20 Supervisors Call for Action on LGBT Civil Rights

Twenty Dane County Supervisors signed a letter on Tuesday asking President Obama and members of Congress from Wisconsin to take action of four items...

County Week Ahead

Budget season . . .

Weekend + Monday Round Up

News is slowing down . . . less local government to cover . . . except for spring elections.

McDonell has double the Money in the Bank

Twice as much as the other candidates. Will money win in this election? And, ahem, Brandon, where's your report? McDonell Continues to Lead Money...

WMC Message: Support Walker

Here's a flyer from today's Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce meeting at Monona Terrace COMMUNITY and Convention Center, which is closed to the public today....

Teacher Pay – Part 2 – Solutions!

I have been accused of just complaining and offering up no solutions. Since I offered up we need to pay teachers what they...

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.

Expect New Voting Procedures Today

Bring your ID . . . a photo ID.