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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

McDonell has double the Money in the Bank

Twice as much as the other candidates. Will money win in this election? And, ahem, Brandon, where's your report? McDonell Continues to Lead Money...

See You at the Wedding Tonight?

After you're done protesting M&I bank tonight, make your way over to High Noon . . . for a wedding!

A Homeless Person Sums It Up

This email came to me this morning and I thought it was a good summary of where we are at. Not my words, but someone experiencing it. From his perspective, things look really bleak going in to winter. Not necessarily new, but the promise of change, the hope of things getting better . . . may have made things worse for many.

Seeking Protest Videos, Photos, Etc for Archives

Honestly, I can't believe that this project is all coming together, but its really cool. Thanks to the many, many volunteers for the time and talents and materials!

Whose House? Our House! Is M&I Listening?

On Friday, Take Back the Land held a rally and press conference about a house being foreclosed on by M&I Bank. Check out their proposal on how to match housing with people.

Community Vigil Thursday

Yadda, yadda, yadda, another protest, another rally, another vigil. No, seriously, pay attention to this one. It's for the little boys killed week.

County Manages a 5-day Week

Information deficit, makes it hard to know what might be of interest, here's my two cents.

Important DNR Conservation Congress Tonight

I promised to blog about this, then promptly misplaced the papers with the details, but . . . here's a note from another party...

Renters in WI Struggling . . .

166,090 renters and 6,525 homeless people in Wisconsin are barely hanging on. How much more will this increase with Walker's assault on Wisconsin? Check out these numbers:

March Madness (Homelessness) Rally

Here's most of the videos I have from the March Madness Rally. One more coming.

Greyhound Moving . . . Again.

Yeah, I'm not kidding, the 8th time in 2 years

Today’s Guest: YOU, THE VOTER!

Who's the most important person today? You! That is why YOU are the guest on A Public Affair today! Call in today from noon - 1:00 at 256-2001 or toll free(866) 899-WORT (9678) and tell us about your election day!