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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

So, Secret Deal to Create a Warming Shelter Finally Public

Yay! There will be a warming shelter for the homeless this winter again. Boo! The process sucks and the details matter.

What you need to (S)Know.

Lots of snow updates - basically everything is closed down, but they are attempting to pick up garbage, Madison Metro buses are not running, snow emergency in effect so move cars so you don't get tickets, Madison schools closed yesterday already, city and county offices shut down, campus in-person exams cancelled, yadda, yadda, yadda.

13 days and Counting . . .

Occupy Madison has been asked to leave Token Creek Campground by February 17th and there is no legal place to go. No plans to move because we are out of options. Where should people go?

Homeless Life Line Might Die?

Oh dear, you have no idea how vital the "Obama phones" are to people on the street, and Friday there will be a hearing to discontinue the program - please sign this petition.

Hispanic Family Attacked

Wow, this kind of makes you stop and think . . . http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_80f94600-6da0-11df-bd37-001cc4c03286.html How long did it take for someone to call the police? ...

Lawyers Doing Good Things!

Lawyers not named Kratz. Wish I had known about this earlier . . .

Today’s Guest: YOU, THE VOTER!

Who's the most important person today? You! That is why YOU are the guest on A Public Affair today! Call in today from noon - 1:00 at 256-2001 or toll free(866) 899-WORT (9678) and tell us about your election day!

An Overture Must Read

Former MCAD/201 State Treasurer speaks up . . . Gives the Council his two cents on the Overture . . . a kinda grim outlook. But hey, that's his job, to be the fiscal conservative voice, perhaps they should listen. Prepare to have this conversation again in a few years, he says.

Overture Parties Approve Deal Unanimously

All three Overture Boards (201 State, Overture Development Corporation and MCAD) unanimously approved the Overture deal, version 5. Dear Colleagues, I have just come from a...

Wineke Says He’s Raising the Most Money Per Day

But not the most money.

Kathleen Falk: Governor’s Budget Math Inaccurate, Incomplete

Walker's fuzzy math?

WTF . . . oh I’m not done . . . Part III

Ok, back to the city-county building and something the supes and alders I talked to knew nothing about . . .