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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Rally Against Citizen’s United/Occupy the Courts Tonight!

We can't have a real democracy if we can't have fair campaigns with candidates that are not bought by the highest bidder.

Wineke on TV

Fightin', he's fightin!

Overture Parties Approve Deal Unanimously

All three Overture Boards (201 State, Overture Development Corporation and MCAD) unanimously approved the Overture deal, version 5. Dear Colleagues, I have just come from a...

Union Cab Rocks!

Check this out! This is why they are simply the best! Ok, just one of the reasons . . .

Parisi To Resign on Thursday!

From the Assembly! (Not County Executive!) There are already several people running for his seat and more jumping in.

County Week Ahead

Didn't even get this started last week, again, apologies.

Mark Pocan To Fitzgerald Brothers . . .

The State Legislature over the past few months has been transformed into a vindictive and malicious institution with severe repercussions. March 16, 2010 HAND DELIVERED Senate...

Madison’s Economic Development Plan

In these economic times, doesn't this plan seem kind of underwhelming? Where is the creativity and responding to immediate concerns. This is just more of the same from several years ago. How many jobs will this create? How much will it increase the property tax base? What are the real measurements for this work? I'm not inspired.

League of Women Voters to Look at Housing

Tomorrow night.

McDonell Record of Creating Jobs

Jobs, jobs, jobs . . .

Items Council Plans to Talk about Tonight

This is what is NOT on their consent agenda . . .

Immigration as a Moral Issue (Day One 9/18)

Leila Pine and the James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Church have embarked on a class to explore the issues. They asked me to video tape it and I felt the issue was important enough to do so. So, here's day one (September 18th). Later this week day two, and hopefully day three!