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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Tenant Resource Center Fundraiser Tomorrow Night

Music, free food, silent auction, cash bar. 5 - 7:30 Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave.) We really need your support, donations of any size welcome, suggested donation $25 at the door (but give what you can within your means, we understand!) Tons of details below.

Help Take A Bite Out of Homelessness!

You know it! The chef's are back and ready to rumble!!!! Kitchen Stadium will be in the ballroom at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington) tonight 5 - 7. 100% of the funds will go to PREVENT homelessness for families and individuals (unless you want to designate funds for TRC operations). Suggested donation $25, but everyone welcome, donate as you can.

Blogger is BACK!!!!

Yippeeee!!! I think my 60 hour work weeks are over . . . kinda.

Scott McDonell for County Clerk

I wrote a long explanation of why Scott McDonell has my enthusiastic support for County Clerk in a discussion on a list serve. Facebook...

Am I Worthy? Am I from Madison?

Wow, I said Soglin has gone nuts - now is he just lying? This Mayoral hatred of the homeless is getting really bizarre

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Needs Your Help!

This is an amazing organization that does amazing work . . . to keep all of us who don't have time informed of the role of money in our state politics. A watchdog with a bite! My only complaint is they don't do enough local work, and that is only because what they do is so incredible! Anyways, they got some bad news and need your help!

No Guard, No Involuntary Commitment, No Services

Minor tweaks to the City County Building rules that probably won't do much different than what is already happening in the building - except make people feel like they are doing something. Of course, it all sounded good last night, but lets see how it gets implemented.

Thursday Morning Round Up

Here's what I found of interest from that last 24 hours or so.

More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here's another contradicting message from the top.

McDonell Press Conference

Quite impressive to have pulled this much together in a week, nice set of endorsements for this early on!

Help Save Community and Goverment Access Television

USA Today is paying attention to WYOU, our own community television station, but is Madison? It's ours to lose, or save. And our government access channel is also losing funding and will see changes.

MCAD/201 Reject Nearly All the Council Amendments

Here are the amendments again, with the responses from MCAD/201 on the Overture proposals. Of course, the council will have to first discuss if they are amending the alternate, or the alternate, alternate. And likely, few of these will pass with the responses from MCAD/201. I'm beginning to think they won't have 11 votes for anything. And we'll be doing a repeat on the 14th.