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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Kathleen Falk: Governor’s Budget Math Inaccurate, Incomplete

Walker's fuzzy math?

What’s up with the Blogger Slacker?

Sorry, no post today, here's why . . . .

I Can’t Vote for Sheriff Mahoney

I can't do it, not based on his policy of calling ICE and the impact that has on the community. Not to mention, he's not exactly good with transparency for an elected official. But who to vote for . . .

Absurd! Housing Market!

OK - LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A RIP ON PORCHLIGHT, just an indication of the extreme difficulty in finding housing.

Tenant Resource Center Turning 30!

Read below to get events in your calendar and, let me know if you want to sponsor the events! We've had many challenges over the years, and your support is what keeps us going! Please consider donating!

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

Monkeys, War, Pot and Press for the County Board

Long meeting, most of it monkey testimony. But the most interesting issue was the one that you couldn't tell what it was on the agenda. How does the County Board get the word out about what it is doing? A relatively short recap of the meeting.

Parisi on TV: The official announcement

I scooped them on their own story by accident . . .

Scott McDonell: County Union Contracts

Bonus question: What are your thoughts on the union contracts approved by the County Board last Thursday.

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!

What You Need to Know if Voting Today

Voter ID bill has some changes that go into affect already today . . . so read up on what to expect. This information is for the 48th primarily, but affects everyone.

$25,000 Overture Report

Here's a quick synopsis and links to the chapters. The consultants will be in town this weekend and at the council meeting on Tuesday.