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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Wineke Announcement today at 3:00

Since I have the camera checked out, I'll try to make it!

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

County Redistricting Update

They will also be having public hearings in May. Updates thanks to Melissa Sargent.

No Wonder it is so Absurd . . .

The other day I blogged about how absurd running a non-profit can be these days . . . yesterday, I had this chart sitting on my desk and I think I stared at it for an hour, trying to figure out how it got so absurd. A death of a thousand cuts, I guess. Check out the real numbers behind the anecdotes about why nonprofits are struggling, at least for one non-profit I am intimately familiar with.

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!

I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don't know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

Answering Bridget’s Question

Why can't homeless get services?

What did Will Say?

In the middle of the press conference the other day, I got distracted by something Will said . . .

Summer is Over County Week Ahead

Three days of meetings as well, but none yesterday, so I procrastinated til today.

Entitlements? Or Human Rights? Or Criminalization?

Yesterday was Human Rights Day and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty issued a report card on the Human Right to Housing - we didn't do well.
Safe, decent, affordable housing is a basic human right, recognized globally and defined with specificity in international law. But while the U.S. was a leader in establishing and championing international human rights law and institutions over 60 years ago, and continues to speak out as a leader on the global stage, unfortunately here at home our words do not match our reality.