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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

(Tenatative) County Board Budget Schedule

I don't know that this exactly makes sense, but here it is . . . 2012 BUDGET – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (REVISED)

Miss your Bus – Risk Getting Suspended

Yeah - this won't apply to most . . . but it applies to some . . .

Absurd! Housing Market!

OK - LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A RIP ON PORCHLIGHT, just an indication of the extreme difficulty in finding housing.

A moment of silence.

We have a lot to think about.

Madison Council Briefing on High Speed Rail

These are kind of silly, hey are scheduled for a half hour before the council meeting starts, they start late, have to end early for city channel to switch over to the next production and are hugely rushed. But . . . here's what I've got.

Ethics . . . Is there hope?

After attending the Ethics Board meeting last night, it really feels like there need to be reforms in the ethics process. "Complainants" hardly have a chance of being successful in the current system.

Falk Announcing for Governor. Really? (Updated)

I've been listening to Rob rant for the last 20 minutes about what a bad choice this is . . . and of course, I'm not a Dem insider so I don't know what is going on but . . . this is bad for poor people
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 1/11/21

Click on the agendas to find out how to join the virtual meetings.  Here's the summary of what they will be discussing.

Long Overdue Round Up

You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...

Sights and Sounds from Day Three, Political Rallies

I'll keep posting video here as it comes in. Here's what I have at the moment from the WYOU family and friends. Monday, 1,000 people, video here. Tuesday, 10,000 people, video here. Wednesday over 30,000, video below. And today . . . expect more as the UW schools walk out, over 35 area schools closed, Madison holding a rally and special council meeting tonight. Senate votes today. Talking to many of the "old timers", no one has ever seen anything like this.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/10/20

County Board meeting, Public Health giving an update, redistricting and potential decision on size of the county board, and more.