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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Immigration as a Moral Issue – Day Two

Slowly catching up on everything, here is day two of this series - Leila Pine and Ramona Natera discuss immigration issues and the laws.

Overture! 3:15 am, still Committee of the Whole

My computer crashed on me around 3:15, so I took the rest of the half hour or so of notes by hand. These are the motions that were made after they went around the room and took their straw vote of sorts. The alders start getting a little testy at this point.

McDonell: Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

Does he support the referendum? Q: Do you support a referendum on restricting corporate contributions in campaigns. Why, or why not? Yes I support...

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

Free Fair Housing Training

Hey, its free! I'm guessing you can also learn some of the laws that the state legislature took away with SB107. There are still...

Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

Parisi Up on TV too? (Ooops, link fixed)

Stumbled across this, only 4 views, so it's very new.

Dane County Budget Schedule

Mark your calendars for the following important dates!

Short County Week Ahead Too

Makes for easy blogging . . . budget and RTA . . .

Madison Metro’s Stroller Policy

Just a reminder of the policy and the consequences. This is on the Transit and Parking commission agenda for Wednesday. And its not just about strollers . . . even tho that is the name of the policy.

The Low Down on Voting

You've probably been inundated with negative campaign ads and will be glad to get this day over. But, now that it is election day, you might still have questions. Here's some useful links for you!

Neighborhood Assoc.’s: Allied-Dunn’s Marsh/Dunn’s Marsh NA Seeks Help

Join them on the Square Saturday at 3pm.