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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget, county board pay raises, jail updates and Intergovernmental agreement between City and County for Public Health.

Catching Up: What Happens When Town of Madison Goes Away

In October 2022, how will Madison and Fitchburg split the Town of Madison's assets? What will happen to their employees? How does this work with redistricting? Are the town's properties under assessed and what happens with the city's higher tax rates? How will we give Town residents the same level of service when we won't get levy increases sufficient to do the work?  So many questions!

No response from Dane County to my open records requests

So, I'm trying to figure out how the Personnel and Finance Committee hears a whole bunch of information about all kinds of budget amendments then goes away and comes back with a tidy package exactly balanced and has no discussion.  Where is that discussion happening?

Dane County has ZERO paid lobbyists registered in 2020

In 2019 there were only 3 registrations from 2 organizations.  In 2018 there were 3 registrations all from the same organization. 
airport noise

Dane County Airport Noise Complaint Form Useless

I've filled out the noise report form on 4 occasions and never once gotten a response - and neither have many others.

Meet your new Madison and Dane County Leadership

Both the Madison City Council and the Dane County Board elected new leadership yesterday at their "organizational" meetings.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 12/19/22

Only one meeting this week . . . happy holidays!

With reduced jail populations, do we need a new jail?

Thursday the Health and Human Needs Committee voted in favor of halting the jail, jail populations are down at least 40%, Madison police are arresting less people, we have new leadership on the Criminal Justice Council, can we actually bring our ourselves to create real change in the criminal "justice" system?  Will any of this make real, meaningful change?

Details on UW quarantine and shift to on-line classes for 2 weeks

Here are the details from Chancellor Rebecca Blank on what is being ordered.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 12/20/21

4 meetings, most on Tuesday this week.  While everyone else slows down, work on the jail continues.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/5/21

County Board meetings this week, redistricting committee continues their work and more.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/3/23

Only three meetings this week - 2 on Wednesday, 1 Thursday.