What You Need to Know if you are going to Miffland
Here's info that I've been told as one of the volunteers that you might like to know if you're going to Miffland tomorrow.
Random Round Up
Oh yeah, remember the round up? I should probably start doing that again, eh? Anyways, here's a bunch of random things I have from this week.
WORT Needs Help from Cooks!
For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!
Dane County Recount Report
Here is a report from Steve Brist in the City Attorney's office.
County Redistricting Update
They will also be having public hearings in May. Updates thanks to Melissa Sargent.
Redistricting Updates
Committee meets tonight, the council meets tomorrow and community meetings coming up. If you care about who your next alder might be, and who else might be in your district, now is the time to pay attention.
May Day Rally
Madison will March for Immigrant and Workers' Rights on May First
Clean Sweep is Back!
Dispose of your chemically items correctly, please!
Madison’s Economic Development Plan
In these economic times, doesn't this plan seem kind of underwhelming? Where is the creativity and responding to immediate concerns. This is just more of the same from several years ago. How many jobs will this create? How much will it increase the property tax base? What are the real measurements for this work? I'm not inspired.
Vicky for assembly
I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....
Renters in WI Struggling . . .
166,090 renters and 6,525 homeless people in Wisconsin are barely hanging on. How much more will this increase with Walker's assault on Wisconsin? Check out these numbers:
Falk Recommends Disolving CARPC
Yup. I'm not kidding.