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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up, Thursday 11/7/19

Various city updates, Cookies with a Cop (?!?), Occupy Madison 5 year Anniversary, Housing Openings at the YWCA and more!
County week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead

Madison, WI - Dane County meetings about mapping prejudice, racial disparities in the criminal justice system, gaps in the behavioral health system, consent to receive refugees in Dane County, Universal Access Call Center and more.

Dane County/Madison Public Health on PFAS & Fish Advisories

Don't eat fish from Lake Monona or Starkweather Creek more than once a month, bluegills can be eaten once a week.  See what else the public health department has to say!

Week of March 9, 2020

The long version of what you can hear every Monday on WORT's evening news - the chatty version.
ppe for homeless medical selters

Provide PPE to homeless medical shelter workers

How do people working in homeless medical shelters not have PPE?  I was thinking about this all night.  I'd volunteer to be in the shelters, but I have diabetes so I couldn't do it without proper protections in place.  However, the shelters don't have PPE like police and fire do, not even at the medical shelter.
state of emergency extended

Dane County extended State of Emergency means . . .

2 different staff people explain, this extends county ability to get federal funding reimbursements through July 15th - the "safer at home" order still expires May 26th.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 6/29/20

Youth Commission discussion on current events, Lakes and Watershed budget, courts impact on reduced jail population and more.

We know what we need to do to curb gun violence

We have all the recommendations, we just don't have the follow through/political will to put the needed money in the budget.
daily round up

Thursday/Friday Daily Round Up 9/24 & 25

The Friday Round Up is always the largest one of the week, lots of city updates on Fridays.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 3/14/22

Somehow the County Board can manage to get quorum for their virtual meeting!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 5/17/21

County board has the $13M for people without housing to go from hotels to housing - but will there be landlords to rent to them?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 11/27/23

Another meeting to decide what to do about cost overruns with the jail . . .