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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Today’s Question: Do our laws apply to Tim Bruer?

That is the question Michael Basford, the Chair of the Dane County Democratic Party is asking. I have a little different question.

City Lobbying Priorities for next State Legislative Session

For some very good reasons, I did not make it to the meeting yesterday where the alders gave their input into this agenda. But here it is . . . do you see anything missing?

Occupy Madison Forced to . . . Occupy Dane County Parks

Bizarre twist of events made Occupy Madison accidental Occupiers. The Parks Staff are refusing to take our money - but we keep paying.no legal place It's been a bizarre week, yet again.

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.

Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”

The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say "whining" . . . .

Thurs. – MLK Day Round Up

You'd think 5 days of news would be quite the challenge but besides the Packers and MLK day, there's not really that much.

Can people stay at Token Creek this winter?

I had to ask.

Go Vote!

Election Day votes and predictions.

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

County Board Supervisors Urge Appeal in Cardinal-Hickory Line Proposal

County is dragging its feet in filing an appeal, County Board members urge action before appeal deadline of December 16th.

High Speed Rail Meeting a.k.a. Madisonians Behaving Badly

I really believe there is something in that east side water that doesn't belong there. Well, that's not fair, there were people there...