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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Round Up

Tues. Round Up 10/15/19

Some changes here . . . but still plenty to round up!  Let me know what you think!

Dane County Board Recap

Compromise reached (?) on mental health and substance abuse funding so no veto override, lawsuit (?) over Cardinal-Hickory line and routine items.

17 Illegal Dane County Board Meetings in 2019?

Command central of the county board meets in a "Pre-Board Meeting Chairs Meeting" on Thursday's at 3:30 a week before each board meeting. I'm told there are no agendas or minutes of these meetings.  So, what do they talk about?

Video: F-35s, PFAS, Truax and You – A Forum

In case you didn't brave the snowy weather on Sunday and missed the forum, here's the video for you and shorter clips if you want to skip around!

Week of March 16, 2020

The longer version than what you will you on WORT - Many government meetings are cancelled due to the coronavirus response. WORT's Dylan Brogan gets the latest from Brenda Konkel on what meetings are still conveying and what comes next.
round up

Friday & Saturday Round Up, April 17 & 18

Konkel's musings, Alder and bike updates, metro feedback and detours, water main flushing, plant sale and more.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead

Continued discussions on where $95M goes in the community, Criminal Justice Council meeting, Parisi to present at food council and more.

Week of July 13, 2020

Brenda and Dylan back at it - running down the weekly meetings for city, county and schools.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 11/28/22

Only 5 meetings this week and two of them are the same committee!

Updates on Occupy Madison Tiny House Village at Wiggies (1901 Aberg Ave)

I blogged this yesterday at Occupy Madison, but what we accomplished in 3.5 weeks (and years of preparation) bears repeating.

National Homelessness Law Center on McPike Park

A little late, since the park is already closed.  But interesting comment about FEMA funds and how they are paying 100% reimbursement for funding of hotels.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/23/21

It's your Tuesday/Thursday week ahead . . . no meetings today or Friday, only one Wednesday.