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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County Board Pay Raises

On the 18 page Personnel and Finance agenda you will find that county board members are proposing giving supervisors (previous 33% increase) and the county board chair  (previous 40% increase) more raises and paying committee chairs an additional $100/mo.

Time to Start Circulating Nomination Papers!

Today is the day that candidates for County Board (37 Seats!), School Board (3 seats) and City Council (1 seat) can start circulating nomination papers . . . but shockingly few have filed paperwork to allow them to begin!
engage dane

Engage Dane: #irony

More illegal meetings? Some county board members, not a committee with open meetings, but a group appointed by Chair Sharon Corrigan came up with a report on how to increase public engagement, without engaging the public.  Or the rest of the county board.  Who even knows about the report?
resident engagement

Local Government Ignores the Basics of Resident Engagement

This week the City of Madison agendas are a mess, the county only posts some agendas on-line, School Board meets in closed session more often than open and doesn't have minutes for months, and the School Board, City and County have been posting meeting a day or two before the meeting.
round up

Tue-Thurs Round Up – April 14 -16

Three days worth of announcements, updates, petitions, etc. 
round up

Wednesday & Thursday Round Up – 4/22 & 4/23

Updates and round up, random thoughts, city face mask policy, golfing, stormwater, salt, virtual Sustainable Saturday and more.
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 6/1/20

County board meets to spend millions of dollars, redistricting is moving forward . . . and more.
round up

Madison Area Round Up Mon 7/20 – Sun 7/26

All the usual updates of upates and round ups of round up - plus a few extra things thrown in.

County Budget Hearings Tonight – What are YOUR priorities?

Now is the time to weigh in!  Sending a loud and clear message now can shape future discussions, to the extent the county has public discussions on the budget.

Week of 12/7/20

As it happens, a lot of closed sessions meetings this week. Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel joins WORT's Dylan Brogan to preview local government meetings and agendas.
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 6/27/22

A couple meetings tomorrow and Wednesday, but only 5 meetings.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/10/23

10 meetings, 3 Board of Canvassers, Joint meeting on jail funding and 2 missing agendas.