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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Local Government Guide is Back!

This work was initially done by myself, Brenda Konkel, for Progressive Dane about 3 years ago.  Technical difficulties happened and over the past three years I continued some of the work here at Forward Lookout.  I'm in the process of merging the work and expanding the guide.  Let me know what you think!

Dane County Planning for Housing

This only happens once every 5 years, so Wednesday is the day to pay attention! What will Dane County put in its comprehensive plan for housing?

Short County Week Ahead

7 meetings . . .
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 10/3/22

It's budget time!  No meetings Tuesday or Wednesday due to Yom Kippur.

What an Honor

These just got posted to Facebook, so I am just seeing them now, but it is one of the best compliments . . .
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

County Board meeting at East Highway Garage for tour of the landfill (insert joke here). Zoning has some items but not much else.

CAST (Communities and Schools Together) Stands with Teachers!

CAST defends public education, supports protests.

County Executive Budget “favorable” to Human Services

Of course, funding for TRC was restored, so I am happy, but there is other good news as well . . . but the county board will be left to struggle with how to pay the operating costs for the Day Resource Center (that doesn't yet exist).

Severe Weather and the 400 Homeless Sleeping Outside

I'd really like to see all 400 show up and test the alleged rules of the shelter systems that seem to be shifting and don't seem to reflect reality. If we have a cooling shelter, why not a blizzard shelter?

Feelin’ Better Round Up

I still feel a little crappy, but much, much better than Monday, and even better than yesterday, so I call that progress. Here's a quick round up of things that I found over the last few days.

Open Letter to City Officials on No Place to Go 2/17 – 4/16

Through a little mistake on the city's part, camping is not allowed (permitted or conditional) under any zoning in the new zoning code . . . hoping they can fix this. And be creative to help us solve our on-going issue of . . . say it with me . . . NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!

Other Not in the News Round Up

Upcoming events, requests non-profits, neighborhood association news, etc. It's been a while, so my apologies if your events have already gone by and I didn't post them . . .