Home Dave Cieslewicz

Dave Cieslewicz

E Round Up: All Edgewater, All the Time

Yes, there's enough about the Edgewater for a round up dedicated to this subject alone . . . I expect that this will be...

Mayor Dave’s Hunger for Power

First it was the Water Utility, then the Transit and Parking Commission during the recent bus fare debate, now the Landmarks Commission. While...

Mayor’s Office to be Crushed, Again?

It's that time of year again! When the Council Office defeats the Mayor's Office. If they show up. Or even...

The Mayor, Blogging, Council Use of Web Pages & Woeful Use of Technology

Inspired by Kristin's puff piece on Mayor Dave Cieslewicz blogging . . . not her fault its a puff piece, not much news happening...

Mayor Dave’s Committee Appointments

You know, over the years, the Mayor has made some unusual decisions about re-appointing people to various committees. It's his prerogative, just ask...

Live Blog Attempt of the Council Briefing on Library (Edited Slightly)

Here's we go . . . NOTE: The meeting got done about 1:14, these are the notes as I got them at the...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

Couldn’t or Wouldn’t?

The Cap Times reported thatKonkel said it was "clear it (the mayor's action) was retaliatory for something." However, she would or could not say...

Another week: Come, And Gone. 33 days left.

So, remember when the Mayor let Inclusionary Zoning die? He promised a committee that was charged to come up with new answers by...

Still Talking About the Edgewater . . .

Even tho the project may or may not be dead, it seems it is still the main thing people are talking about, so ....

Mayor’s Non-vite to the Alders to Discuss the Library

Wow, the Mayor has become so blatant in his disrespect to the council its kind of staggering.At 4:00 yesterday afternoon - the mayor's office...

Mid-week Round Up

Lots and lots of miscellaneous . . . catching up on non-budget, non-Edgewater related topics! And no long meetings to report on! ...