Couldn’t or Wouldn’t?

The Cap Times reported thatKonkel said it was "clear it (the mayor's action) was retaliatory for something." However, she would or could not say...

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

Here We Go Again, Monday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have this slippery Monday morning . . . MAYOR DAVE IN TROUBLE?Wow. Mayor Dave is the talk of the town....

The Mayor, Blogging, Council Use of Web Pages & Woeful Use of Technology

Inspired by Kristin's puff piece on Mayor Dave Cieslewicz blogging . . . not her fault its a puff piece, not much news happening...

Mayor’s State of the City

Do you see yourself being helped by what he lays out in his "speech"? Does this sound like the direction you want your...

Mayor Dave’s Hunger for Power

First it was the Water Utility, then the Transit and Parking Commission during the recent bus fare debate, now the Landmarks Commission. While...

It’s not in there.

In looking at the Capital Budget, I was at first horrified. Then just very disappointed. And now, even more people are being...

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...

Mayor Dave’s Summer Vacation

With all the talk about Mayor Dave's priorities (trolleys vs. pet peeve of anyone and everyone) I thought I'd take a look at what...

TGIF Round Up

A full week of round up, computers are all fixed, I have access to all my notes and pictures again. All is good....


You'll have to decide. First, let me say, we're no experts here. However, the total pinfall for all three games went to...