Taxpayer Free Affordable Housing – Defeated.

Q: What if the City could come up with a program that created affordable housing and didn't cost the taxpayer a dime?A: ...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

The Mayor and Police Department exempt?

Every year the Clerk's office sends out an email reminding committee staff not to schedule meetings on certain dates. The memo states as...

Mayor Dave’s Committee Appointments

You know, over the years, the Mayor has made some unusual decisions about re-appointing people to various committees. It's his prerogative, just ask...

Monday Morning Round Up

Lots to comment on . . . not just the Edgewater . . . MADISON SCHOOLS GET VISIT FROM POCAN AND MILLERLast Monday they...


You'll have to decide. First, let me say, we're no experts here. However, the total pinfall for all three games went to...

Mayor and Staff blow off City Employees and the Common Council

Yesterday the Mayor and his staff managed to blow off hundreds of City Employees. And the Common Council. And now...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

Neighborhood Plans – Just Advisory?

There was an interesting discussion at the Board of Estimates yesterday about why they approve neighborhood plans and it revealed some interesting information about...

How Many Jobs Did That Create?

So, one of my concerns over the years is that with all of the talk about Economic Development in this town, its hard to...

Live Blog Attempt of the Council Briefing on Library (Edited Slightly)

Here's we go . . . NOTE: The meeting got done about 1:14, these are the notes as I got them at the...