Mayor’s Office to be Crushed, Again?

It's that time of year again! When the Council Office defeats the Mayor's Office. If they show up. Or even...

When did this happen?

I was reading the Wisconsin State Journal the other day . . . I know, I know . . . but its not...

Ha. Ha.

This also had me laughing yesterday. Nice job Vikki. What's that saying about not picking fights with those who have the barrels...

Is the Mayor above the Law?

Can he just ignore Madison General Ordinances because he thinks he has a better idea? If so, why not just eliminate the Common...

How Many Jobs Did That Create?

So, one of my concerns over the years is that with all of the talk about Economic Development in this town, its hard to...

It’s not in there.

In looking at the Capital Budget, I was at first horrified. Then just very disappointed. And now, even more people are being...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

Taxpayer Free Affordable Housing – Defeated.

Q: What if the City could come up with a program that created affordable housing and didn't cost the taxpayer a dime?A: ...

The Mayor and Police Department exempt?

Every year the Clerk's office sends out an email reminding committee staff not to schedule meetings on certain dates. The memo states as...

Voila! And now the Mayor Agrees to Try to Add 30 Police Officers

That didn't take long. I wonder what the "sacrifice and cuts" are going to be? To: Chief Noble...

Another Mayor’s Staff Person Recommended for City Position – UPDATED!!

Here's the news. I guess the rumors were true. That reminds me, again, what happened to that committee that was supposed to...

Mayor Dave’s Summer Vacation

With all the talk about Mayor Dave's priorities (trolleys vs. pet peeve of anyone and everyone) I thought I'd take a look at what...