I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

Wednesday Round Up

Today is Friday for me, as I get to enjoy another 4 day weekend (Steel Bridge Music Festival in Door County!), then panic when...

Neighborhood Plans – Just Advisory?

There was an interesting discussion at the Board of Estimates yesterday about why they approve neighborhood plans and it revealed some interesting information about...

Thursday Round Up

Thursday round up, round two this week. I'm not sure if it is lazy blogging or just still too much to blog about....

The Mayor and Police Department exempt?

Every year the Clerk's office sends out an email reminding committee staff not to schedule meetings on certain dates. The memo states as...


All the gossip, inside info and rumors one can take on a Friday.Before I start, let me explain. The phrase "don't blog this"...

A new side of Mayor Dave?

Mayor Dave is a nice guy. Or so they say.My experience with him has been quite different. We have definitely had our...

Taxpayer Free Affordable Housing – Defeated.

Q: What if the City could come up with a program that created affordable housing and didn't cost the taxpayer a dime?A: ...

Mayor and Staff blow off City Employees and the Common Council

Yesterday the Mayor and his staff managed to blow off hundreds of City Employees. And the Common Council. And now...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

Stimulus and the City

I'm so glad Kristin from the Cap Times heard this the way I did:"Are we going to do this piecemeal or is there any...

TGIF Round Up

A full week of round up, computers are all fixed, I have access to all my notes and pictures again. All is good....