Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Full Circle

One of my first posts on this site was in regards to a column written by Chris Rickert. In the column...


I received this in my email today and wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. The first is do not get...

Open Records request findings…

I recently did an open records request from our Village Board and found a couple very interesting documents that I felt needed to be...

Won’t someone think of the children….

We recently had Budget listening Session in Cottage Grove, conducted by our State Representative Gary Hebl and Legislative Fiscal Bureau Head Bob...

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

Spring 2011 Election Endorsements

The Spring 2011 sample Ballot is out and its time for my spring endorsements for the local election. 1. Wisconsin State Supreme...

Representative Gary Hebl Listening Sessions

Representative Gary Hebl will be holding listening sessions in both Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie before next Tuesday's election! For Immediate Release ...

Dane County Education Meeting

The community wide education meeting was very much a success. With a solid crowd and great speakers, the Sunday afternoon meeting...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...


Saw this video made by some guys from Oakland, CA and it rocked and needed to be shared!

Cottage Grove Village elections (redux)

I wrote about this in detail here, but i recently came across a letter I wrote to the village board prior to the 19...