Another Demolition

To expand Farm and FleetPlease be advised that Neal VanLoo will be filing a demolition permit application on May 12, 2010 for Plan Commission...

St. Raphael’s

Clearly, it is a landmark. Clearly, the demolition permit has been issued by staff. Now what?Last night's Landmark Commission meeting was a...

Vicki Hit A Cop!

Vicki Mckenna was asked a legitimate question recently by Dylan Brogan.  Something along the lines of "Do you think that the police at the U2...

Demolish St. Raphael’s?

Unfortunately, this could just be done without City Council approval. Here's a chance to give your input!JUNE 2 PUBLIC MEETING ON DEMOLITION...

Demolition Ordinance Needs Revision

Seems odd to me that we treat deciding about the demolition of a home built in the 1800's the same as the demolition of...

What’s Historic?

So, as the downtown continues to thrive and we see very little end to the onging redevelopment, we are running out of vacant land...


Tear down a laundromat, put up parking lot. Hey, this is Madison, can't it at least be a parking ramp, or pervious pavers...

Burning Down the House(s)

So this is kind of embarrassing. I was talking to Judy Olson the other day about the homes that were burned on the corner...

Scott Walker Slaps Down Blaska

In case you have not heard, Scott Walker's campaign manager, Michael Grebe,  is suing the Madison School District.    Well, Grebe could not sue the...

Nothing is Ever Easy!

No good deed goes unpunished. Last night, I tried to be "pro-business" and move reconsideration of a demolition permit. Silly me.Last week...

French Battery Factory Replica Considered Historic Preservation?

Last night at the plan commission we approved the demolition of French Battery Factory in order to make way for new development (Union Corners)....

End? of the Week Round Up

This may be my last post for the week. I have the rest of the week off . . . but then again...