2 Upcoming Demolitions
A single family house and a UW Building . . . One . . . Please be advised that Karl Lang will be filing...
The Hype about Neighborhood Conservation Districts
You'd think that the recent proposal for Neighborhood Conservation Districts said that nothing could ever be demolished or built anywhere in the City again,...
Common Council Recap
A three hour meeting took care of a 839 page packet of information for the meeting . . . not too bad. Here's...
Demolition Ordinance Needs Revision
Seems odd to me that we treat deciding about the demolition of a home built in the 1800's the same as the demolition of...
More Demolition
Downtown Demolition . . . there's no explanation and I'm blanking on what might be going on here. Seems odd to be demolishing...
‘Nother Demolition
Single Family home, but it must be a rental?
More Demolitions . . .
They seem to come in groups . . .
Burning Down the House(s)
So this is kind of embarrassing. I was talking to Judy Olson the other day about the homes that were burned on the corner...
Demolish St. Raphael’s?
Unfortunately, this could just be done without City Council approval. Here's a chance to give your input!JUNE 2 PUBLIC MEETING ON DEMOLITION...
Scott Walker Slaps Down Blaska
In case you have not heard, Scott Walker's campaign manager, Michael Grebe, is suing the Madison School District. Well, Grebe could not sue the...
Tearin’ Down the House!
Are there any houses in the downtown area that are worthy of saving? Or should we just flatten the downtown, kiss the house...
Tear down a laundromat, put up parking lot. Hey, this is Madison, can't it at least be a parking ramp, or pervious pavers...