Water Main Flushing Schedule

Here's the latest.Water Main Flushing plans beginning Friday, April 25 (all flushing is daytime unless otherwise noted) Schedule map: http://www.cityofmadison.com/water/Documents/udf_schedule_citymap_links.pdf ...

Will you be towed?

At least they are telling us which streets they are going to target, that's progress. I'm "lucky" enough to live on one of...

It’s Coming Together

After moving the house on Sunday night and then taking a day off, the workers got right to work. Given that this is...

Another Opinion on the Law and Edgewater

This one from Mansion Hill Steering Committee:To: Madison City CouncilFrom: Mansion Hill Steering Committee on the Edgewater ProjectDate:...

Trash Talk

Sometimes I think you'd have to be living under a rock not to know what is going on in City Hall, then I remember,...

Earth Day Success at Tenney Park!

Look at all the work done led by Ed Jepsen and the Friends of the Yahara River Parkway with 72 volunteers!!The workday was a...

Proposal for 1 or 2 Motorized Boats for Programming in James Madison Park

Here's the proposal for the project I told folks about in the District 2 post yesterday. It generated quite a bit of interest....

James Madison Park: Selling the Land and Houses

I'm a little hesitant to say what I think should happen to all this property in the district I represent on the City Council,...

James Madison Park – What Should Happen?

Come tell us your opinion tonight!I've blogged for the past few years about this topic about improvements needed to the park, what should happen...

James Madison Park Surplus Property Committee meeting, January 13 2011

The City’s James Madison Park Disposal Surplus Property Criteria and Selection Committee met on January 13, 2011. The tl;dr version: The committee will accept proposals that would move two of the houses, but won’t require a move and will in fact give a slight boost to proposals that leave the houses in place. No proposal that moves the Collins House will be considered. Proposals for the Collins House will be biased towards uses that have some sort of public accommodation. The committee drew up a list of criteria they’ll use to evaluate proposals as well as the weight each criteria will receive. Staff will use that to prepare a final version of the RFP, which the committee will vote on at their January 26th meeting. The target referendum (required because its a shoreline property) is February or April of next year.

Save the Trees . . .

I feel like the Lorax.If you can still call these things trees . . .These pictures were all taken within a half block of...

District 2 Updates

2008 has been busy so far . . . here's a few very brief updates about what's going on.MOVING THE CONKLIN HOUSEThis project went...