Changing E Johnson and E Gorham to 2-way Streets

You'd think that asking City Staff to look at changing E Johnson and E Gorham back to 2-way streets was the beginning of the...

Dude, There’s a House in My Street

Well, half a house. This is what the street looked like before the move.And where the house was being moved to.We were told several...

The banging is over!

Yes, the all-night-long banging has come to an end! Here's a note from City Engineer Larry Nelson that was sent yesterday with some...

James Madison Park Committee (& TIF Committee)

It's going to meet, really, truly. You won't be able to hold your breath until it happens, but here's the latest,...

Amplified Sound at James Madison Park Next Weekend

Heads up for the neighborhood.On Saturday, September 27, Volunteers for Obama will hold a fund-raiser and record-breaking (they hope) Twist-o-rama at James Madison Park....

Castle Place – Ooops!

No parking?!Castle Place is a little street going up a relatively steep hill between E Gorham and Lake Mendota next to Christ Presbyterian Church...

Another Busy Week Ahead – Especially for District 2

Another busy week (3 days!) ahead . . . lots going on for people interested in District 2 issues*.MONDAYBoard of Estimates 4:30 in...