Another Round Up

Panhandlers box, Madison's Cultural Plan, Sheriff's Overtime (doubled what has been budgeted for years), Future Cities, Nancy Mistele screams at County Board Supervisors, Bus...

Capital Budget – Day Two (Minus Chunk of Edgewater Discussion)

Three amendments only took 4.5 hours . . .There was a little staged labor rally outside the city-county building from about 4:30 - 4:50...

Monday Morning Round Up

So, it was a very busy week last week and this week looks to be more of the same. Anyways, here's a few...

Common Council Organizational Committee – A preview of Issue to Come to Council

The CCOC committee is all alders, so discussions here are typically a preview of things to come. Topics on the agenda include residency,...

Bad (Edgewater) Process

Ok - I'll try this one more time - more Edgewatermania. Sure, a developer can hold private meetings on their project. They just...

John Norquist to Speak at Capital Neighborhoods Annual Meeting

Capitol Neighborhoods presents speaker John Norquist at Annual Meeting

Edgewater – Hammes Presentation

This is part of a post that starts here that is a recap of the neighborhood meeting held about the Edgewater project. HAMMES GROUP...

666 Wisconsin Avenue

The Edgewater . . .Seems fitting that this flyer was awaiting me when I got home at 10:00 after the Urban Design Commission.  The...

E Round Up: All Edgewater, All the Time

Yes, there's enough about the Edgewater for a round up dedicated to this subject alone . . . I expect that this will be...

The City Attorney’s Opinion on How To Decide on the Edgewater

The key to the Council's decision is . . . Thus, the question comes down to whether the Council finds that “owing to special...

More Round Up!

Rough blogging week, I'm behind on several posts - including the county board recap, but here's some more random thoughts on of course, the...

Sad, Sorry State of Lobbying Reports

My visit to the clerks office yesterday was . . . depressing. I wish the city attorney would do his job, so the...