A little late Round Up . . .

I had a little blogging mishap this morning, so . . . this is later than usual (luckily, I have worked lots of extra...

More Demolition

Downtown Demolition . . . there's no explanation and I'm blanking on what might be going on here. Seems odd to be demolishing...

Another Round Up

Panhandlers box, Madison's Cultural Plan, Sheriff's Overtime (doubled what has been budgeted for years), Future Cities, Nancy Mistele screams at County Board Supervisors, Bus...

666 Wisconsin Avenue

The Edgewater . . .Seems fitting that this flyer was awaiting me when I got home at 10:00 after the Urban Design Commission.  The...

Short Round Up – Read the full Letter

That Edgewater letter, library battle heats up, comments on Apex proposal and volunteers needed for imporant project . . . more, but I gotta...

Another Opinion on the Law and Edgewater

This one from Mansion Hill Steering Committee:To: Madison City CouncilFrom: Mansion Hill Steering Committee on the Edgewater ProjectDate:...

Grading the Capital Budget Requests

Who passed? Who failed? Who are the brown-nosers (A+), those who did what they had to do to get by, and those who...

Edgewater – Q & A

This was probably some of the most revealing and interesting part of the evening . . . so, sorry to save it til last...

Rainy Saturday Weekly Round Up

We need the rain. I haven't been home on a weekend for quite some time and when I have been home, I've had...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Ok - here's a few more items of interest, as I try to keep caught up during the busy budget season . . ....

5 Lobbying Complaints

Yup - I'm at it again. So far, I've only filed 5 lobbying complaints, all of them related to TIF applications or anticipated...

Round Up Catch Up

I did the Week Ahead for city and county yesterday, as well as caught up on the last county board meeting. So, this...