We Gave Money to This?

Remember Tomo Therapy . . . they're the company we bent all the rules so that we could loan them the last $700,000...

An agenda for the City

This spring's elections need to be about more than water, trolleys and taxes. Yes, our water needs to be safe to...

Get these folks some training!

As a person deeply involved in local government, I take open meetings and public records laws rather seriously. I hold them in high...

Local Purchasing

One more from the Economic Development bizzaro-world . . .Yesterday, the WSJ editorialized AGAINST a preference for local purchasing. What? Did...

Only at the EDC (Economic Development Conmission)

Sometimes, you hear the strangest things . . .When we have a City Committee that is supposed to be:Responsible for preparation and periodic updating...

Emergency Contraception – Anti-business!!

So, its funny what we consider anti-business and what somehow is deemed not to be anti-business. Take the recent proposal on emergency contraception....

Economic Development Commission: No Action Required.

What does the Economic Development Commission do?Given all the attention given to Economic Development, you'd think the City's Economic Development Commission would have their...

Wisconsin’s Economic Ruin

There are a few things I like about Paul Soglin, today's post is one of them. Somehow, its ok when he says it.

Stop the Slogans!

During the smoking debate it was "Ban the Ban" and "Save Madison Jobs" - and various members of the council were Nazi's and a...

That darn EDC . . . hates the public?

So, prior to the second attempt the Economic Development Commission made to have a public hearing on paid sick leave, another controversy of sorts...

EDC Comedy of Errors & Violations of Open Meetings Laws?

So, yesterday, the Economic Development Commission (EDC) scheduled a public hearing on paid sick leave during the Common Council meeting - where we were...

EDC Playing Games with Meeting Dates?

According to the City of Madison website, the Economic Development Commission (EDC) set the following meeting dates which are the first Wednesday of the...