EDC Comedy of Errors & Violations of Open Meetings Laws?

So, yesterday, the Economic Development Commission (EDC) scheduled a public hearing on paid sick leave during the Common Council meeting - where we were...

Your Input Needed! Economic Development

Economic Development Listening Sessions have been scheduled to get your input! We need your help deciding the following:What role should the City of...

What is the Role of the Economic Development Commission?

I was surprised at the last Common Council meeting when we tried to refer an item to get advice from the Economic Development Commission...

Wisconsin’s Economic Ruin

There are a few things I like about Paul Soglin, today's post is one of them. Somehow, its ok when he says it.

We Gave Money to This?

Remember Tomo Therapy . . . they're the company we bent all the rules so that we could loan them the last $700,000...

Hmmm . . . Something wrong here.

Press releases about public hearings two days after they occur, economic development plans that are currently meaningless (the hard work is yet to be...

Emergency Contraception – Anti-business!!

So, its funny what we consider anti-business and what somehow is deemed not to be anti-business. Take the recent proposal on emergency contraception....

Its not about anger…its about hope.

Scott Walker recall   H/t to Harris Lemberg I wonder if any other politician in history has been on both sides of a recall? At least...

Economic Development – Vision/Goals vs. Workplan

Yesterday I attended the Economic Development Commission to talk about how we move forward on the Economic Development Plan. I had talked to...

Air Quality vs. Economic Development

Those lousy air quality standards could hurt economic development! With the news that Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay are not meeting EPA air...

Turns out . . . it wasn’t necessary.

Remember when we jumped through all those hoops to bend all the rules to give a company a $700,000 that was portrayed to...

The Chamber of Commerce thinks human workers are house-elves

This is just too good not to share, the politics of Harry Potter.This is from a friend of mine, who I think wants to...